Several discounts apply which vary between the companies. Sometimes offers appear for certain categories of vehicles or accommodation which are not calculated during the online booking (last minute port offers, early booking offers etc). Check below all standard ferry ticket discounts on Italy-Greece route as well as some ticket offers for the Greek islands.
Children between 4 and 12 years old - 50% in every accommodation category
Youth between 13 and 25 years old - 20% in every accommodation category (includes ISIC card holders)
Families of 3 or 4 travelling all in one ticket - 10% when booking AB3, AB4, A3, A4 cabin
Seniors over 60 years old - 10% in every accommodation category.
4 passengers travelling together on the same reservation on Deck or ATS (air seats) - 20% discount
Booking together Italy-Greece and Pireaus-Greek islands in one reservation - 30% discount on the domestic ticket.
25% discounts for automobile associations